Best Suburbs for Families to Live Near Boston
The #suburbs in Boston are on fire right now! Median #home values way up and so are #vacancies in #Downtown. Here’s the #bestplaces to live for #families near #Boston!
The verdict is in. City life has wore out its welcome with it’s micro apartments and exorbitant rent prices. It took a pandemic for many to realize that being stuffed into a Downtown apartment is nothing like breathing the fresh air from your backyard during quarantine. As a result, in Downtown Boston vacancy rates are at 20% and apartment prices are down 10%, while the median home value went up. It appears that buying a house in the Burbs is now the thing to do, with the median price of homes for sale in Boston increasing 12% in 2020.
It may be a temporary phenomena, or it may be here to stay, but if you’re one of the thousands who are looking to flee the density of Downtown towards greener pastures, here are 3 great suburbs to live in Boston.