Current Apartment Rental Statistics for Fenway Boston
As Boston’s housing industry has come under a microscope in recent years, a big real estate boom has been prevailing in the neighborhoods close to downtown. Fenway is one of Boston’s staple neighborhoods, and it closely follows the overall market of the city as a whole.
Here’s a detailed look at Fenway’s apartment rental market year over year.
The average rent price for 2 bedroom apartment in Fenway is $2,986. That is up 2.72% compared to a year ago.
Compared to the average rent price for a 2 bedroom apartment in Boston as a whole, it is more than $400 more expensive per month to rent a 2 bedroom.
The Current Vacancy Rate for Fenway apartments is 0.67%. Out of 3,325 total Fenway apartments, only 22 are currently vacant and available for immediate move in.
Vacancy Rate is the total number of apartments available for immediate move in divided by the total number of apartments. This statistic excludes luxury listings for accuracy.
The Current Availability Rate for Fenway apartments is 4.15%. That is slightly under the average for Boston as a whole, which is 4.92%.
Availability Rate is the total number of apartments available for immediate move-in plus those units set to become available in the future, divided by the total number of apartments in Fenway. This excludes luxury listings.